Shivaya Parameshwaraya chanted by Vani Devi


Vani Devi chants „Shivaya Parameshwaraya“ during a long Saturday evening satsang at Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg, Germany. This Shiva kirtan is sung by Vani Devi in a very meditative way, sung in a beautiful antiphon.

The text of this kirtan is:

Shivaya Parameshwaraya
Om Namah Chandrashekharaya
Bhavaya Bhavaya Guna Sambhavaya
Om Namah Shiva Tandavaya –

Translated into English it means: „I bow to Shiva, the supreme god who wears the crescent moon on his forehead. I bow to Shiva, who creates and destroys through his dance the properties of nature (gunas).“