Funga Alafia Ashe Ashe


The participants or better graduates of an intensive yoga teacher training at Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg 2013 singing the African song Funga Alafia:

Funga Alafia Ashe Ashe
Funga Alafia Ashe Ashe

You can translate or give the gist of this spiritual in this way:

I open me, I salute you, I am happy
I greet you with my mind (head),
my lips (words) and my heart.

Get caught up on this enthusiasm: Funga Alafia Ashe Ashe, Funga Alafia Ashe Ashe!

Shivaya Parameshwaraya chanted by Satyadevi


Satyadevi chants the mantraShivaya Parameshwaraya“ at the Yoga Vidya Ashram in Bad Meinberg, Germany. You can find the lyrics of this bhajan in the Yoga Vidya Kirtan Songbook as no. 258:

Shivāya Parameshwarāya
Chandrashekharāya Namah Om
Bhavāya Guna Sambhavāya
Shiva Tāndavāya Namah Om

I bow to the Great Lord, Shiva
Who holds the crescent moon on his forehead
Who creates by unity the tendencies of nature (gunas)
and who destroys them by his tandava dance.

Shivaya Parameshwaraya
Chandra Shekaraya Namah Om
Bhavaya Guna Sambhavaya Shiva
Tandavaya Namah Om

Come along to sing „Shivaya Parameshwaraya“ at home or wherever you are,
Om Shanti,
yours Omkara.

Om Namah Shivaya chanted by Sundaram


In this recording you can listen a piece of a concert, which Sundaram gave during the 8th Yoga Vidya Musikfestival in May 2012 in Bad Meinberg. He sings in his own inimitable way the mantra Om Namah Shivaya. Let yourself be enchanted by this wonderful music, both to sing along, as well as inviting you to meditate. The text for this mantra can be found in the Yoga Vidya Songbook as No. 266.

Sundaram is musician, yoga teacher and vocal coach. He also offers this year in the Yoga Vidya seminar houses yoga and mantra seminars – you can read more about Sundaram and listen more songs by Sundaram at – you can keep you informed via the news feed of his Facebook page, where he currently can be heard live or where he will give his seminars. Finally, if you like, you can listen Sundaram’s music on this iTunes pages. Om Shanti

Namah Shivaya Namah Shivaya chanted by Juergen


Juergen chants the mantra Namah Shivaya Namah Shivaya. „Namah“ means prostration. „Namah Shivaya“ means „the prostration before Shiva“. You can find this kirtan in the Yoga Vidya Kirtan Songbook as No. 2.
Come along to sing this bhajan „Namah Shivaya Namah Shivaya“. You listen in this podcast a live-recording from the Yoga Vidya Ashram in Bad Meinberg, Germany.



The Die Sarvesham Mantras Sarvesham Mantras are prayers for peace prayers for peace in the world and the welfare of all beings. When you pray for others, then that can open your heart and your mind is filled with compassion. The positive vibrations created by these mantras can be helpful to heal and purify the astral atmosphere around us, and in this way they bring peace and consolation to all.

You can find the Sarvesham mantras in Yoga Vidya Kirtan Songbook as No. 801. They are sung in a Yoga Vidya Satsang before the Arati:

Om Sarvesham Svastir Bhavatu Sarvesham
Sarvesham Shantir Bhavatu
Sarvesham Purnam Bhavatu
Sarvesham Mangalam Bhavatu
Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah
Sarve Santu Niramayaah
Sarve Bhadrani Pasyantu
Ma Kaschid-Dukha-Bhag-Bhavet
Asato Ma Sat Gamaya
Asato Ma Tamaso Ma Jyotir Gamaya
Mrityor Maamritam Gamaya
Om Purnamadah Purnamidam Purnamadah
Purnat Purnamudachyate
Purnasya Purnamadaya
Purnameva Vashishate
Om Shantih Shantih Shantih
Om Frieden Frieden Frieden.

Devi Devi Devi chanted by Atmamitra


The mantra or kirtan Devi Devi Devi is an invocation and admiration of the divine mother in manifestation of Durga. The Goddess Durga represents motherhood, cosmic energy – she is the consort of Shiva and symbolizes the feminine aspect of the Absolute. You can find this bhajan in the Yoga Vidya Kirtan Songbook as No. 304. Enjoy this recording and how Atmamitra chants the mantra „Devi Devi Devi“.

Om Tare Tuttare Soha chanted by Vani Devi


Vani Devi chants the mantraOm Tare Tuttare Soha during a satsang at the Ashram Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg, Germany. You can find the lyrics of this kirtan in the Yoga Vidya Kirtanheft as no. 550: Om Tare Tuttare Soha. Tara, specifically the Green Tara is the manifestation of the female-devine wisdom in a human being and presents the active-passionate compassion. If you chant or recite this mantra in your thoughts, whispering or loud, it can help you to prevent you from tribulations on your way to liberation. The practice of Green Tara helps to overcome fear and anxiety, but devotees also believe that she can grant wishes, eliminate suffering of all kinds and bring happiness.
You can find the text of this kirtan in the Yoga Vidya Kirtan Songbook as No. 550: Om Tare Tuttare Soha // Om Tare Tuttare Soha // Om Tare Tuttare Soha.

Prasad – Artikel von Swami Sivananda

Dhanwanthari_Painting_by_VesnaHeute mal ein Artikel von Swami Sivananda zum Thema Prasad. Prasad ist die Speise, die man Gott darbringt und die anschließend an die Anwesenden verteilt wird. In Indien gehört Prasad praktisch zu allen Ritualen dazu. Hier also der Artikel von Swami Sivananda zum Thema Prasad: Prasad – seine Herrlichkeit und Heiligkeit Prasad gibt Frieden. Durch Prasad bietet man Gott geweihte Speisen an. Während Kirtansingen, Gottesverehrung, Puja, Havan und Arati bietet der Gläubige Gott süßen Reis, Früchte, Jaggery, Kokosnüsse und andere Sachen je nach ihrem Vermögen an. Nachdem man dies Gott angeboten hat, teilt man es unter den Bewohnern des Hauses oder den Bhaktas im Tempel auf. Wasser, Blumen, Reis usw. werden Gott im Gottesdienst angeboten. Dies zeigt an, dass Gott auch mit dem geringsten Opfer zufrieden ist. Denn was erwünscht ist, ist das Herz des Gläubigen. Der Herr sagt in der Gita: „Patram Pushpam Phalam Toyam Yo Me Bhaktya Prayacchati; Tadaham Bhaktyupahritamasnami Prayatatmanah – – wer immer ein Blatt, eine Blume oder nur Wasser mit Hingabe gibt, es opfert mit einem liebenden Herz, das nehme ich an.“ Es ist nicht nötig, dass man Gold, Silber und kostbare Gewänder opfert. Der Gläubige opfert entsprechend seiner Fähigkeiten und seiner Position im Leben, und zeigt dadurch an, dass der ganze Wohlstand dieser Erde dem Herrn gehört. Ein Reicher opfert Gott kostbare Dinge. Er speist die Armen und dient den Kranken, er sieht Gott in seinen Mitmenschen. Bei einer Puja verwendet man Bael-Blätter (indisches Basilikum), Blumen, Tulasi (indisches Basilikum), Vibhuti (heilige Asche) und dies alles wird als Opfergabe von Gott gegeben. Vibhuti ist die Opfergabe Shivas. Es wird auf der Stirn aufgetragen. Eine kleine Menge kann verzehrt werden. Kumkuma (Safran, farbiges Pulver) ist das Opfer von Devi oder Shakti. Es wird im Augenbrauenzentrum (Ajna Chakra oder Bhrumadhya) aufgetragen. Tulasi (Tulsi oder indisches Basilikum) ist die Opfergabe von Vishnu, Rama oder Krishna. Es wird verzehrt. Diese Opfergaben werden mit mystischen Kräften aufgeladen durch das Singen von Mantras während der Puja oder Havan. Die innere Hingabe des Verehrers, der Gott Speise darbringt, hat eine große Wirkung. Wenn ein glühender Verehrer Gottes dem Herrn irgend etwas mit großer Hingabe opfert und verzehrt wird, würde dies eine bedeutende Veränderung sogar im Geiste von Atheisten bewirken.

Namostute Namo Namah chanted by Sundaram


Sundaram chants the kirtan Namostute Namo Namah and as second part of this presentation Om Shanti Om. The mantra Namostute Namo Namah is not published in the Yoga Vidya Kirtan Songbook – but it is very easy to sing along Namostute Namo Namah – and Om Shanti Om is very easy too, just let be open your heart with joy. love and peace.
Sundaram works as musician and yoga teacher, vocal trainer – find more information about Sundaram at, subscribe for free his newsfeed via facebook or and if you like check out his music on Sundaram @ iTunes.

Nirvanashatakam chanted by Sukadev


Sukadev chants the „Nirvanashatakam“ – six educational verses to freedom or nirvana written or composed by Shankara (also Sankara or Shree Shankaracharya) – during a saturday evening satsang at the Yoga Vidya Ashram in Bad Meinberg, Germany. You can find an English translation of this kirtan in our Yoga Vidya Online Community – click here – or you can find the lyrics in the Yoga Vidya Kirtanheft as No. 404. Om Shanti.

May the Love we Share chanted by Satyadevi


Satyadevi chants the spiritual „May the Love we Share“ at the Yoga Vidya Ashram in Bad Meinberg, Germany. You can find the lyrics of this spiritual in the Yoga Vidya Kirtan Songbook as no. 561:

May the love we share
May spread it´s wings
Fly across the earth
And bring our joy to every soul
That is alive
May the blessings of the universe
Shine on every one
So that we all see god´s light
Light within
Lokāh Samastāh Sukhino Bhavantu
May all the beings in all the worlds be happy
Salam Aleikum Aleikum A Salam
Salam Aleikum Aleikum A Salam Salam Aleikum

Come along to sing „May the Love we Share“ at home or wherever you are,
Om Shanti,
yours Omkara.

Shiva Shiva Shambo chanted by Fantuzzi @ Yoga Vidya Musikfestival 2012


In this recording you can listen an excerpt of Fantuzzi’s concert at the 8th Yoga Vidya Music Festival 2012. He sings an interpreation of the classical kirtan Shiva Shiva Shambo. – More about Fantuzzi and his music can be found on his website Even though Fantuzzi will [probably] not be part again of the upcoming ninth Yoga Vidya Music Festival so also this time fantastic artists will perform again at the next Yoga Vidya Music Festival from 9th to 13th May 2013. Om Namah Shivaya.

Gayatri Mantra chanted by Thomas


Thomas chants the Gayatri Mantra during a satsang at Yoga Vidya Ashram Bad Meinberg. You find the text for this mantra Yoga Vidya Songbook as No. 610:

Om Bhur Bhuvah Swah
Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi
Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat

Enjoy how Thomas chants this fantastic mantra at the Yoga Vidya Satsang in Bad Meinberg. For more mantras PuTTY Quick connect , kirtan and infos cleck out our Mantra & Kirtan podcast on

In our series of presentation of Yoga Vidya Podcasts I want to introduce Mantra Video Podcast. This partner channel consists of Kirtans chanted in Yoga Vidya Satsangs. Some of the Kirtans are the same as here in the Mantra Audio Podcast. In the Mantra Video Podcasts you also have the Visuals: You see those who are chanting. Here is the RSS Feed: