Yoga Musikfestival – Bei Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg 9.-12. Mai 2013


Singen, Tanzen, Lauschen – um höhere Sphären des Bewusstseins zu erlangen, Freude zu spüren, in Ekstase zu geraten: Nimm am Yoga Musikfestival teil vom 9.-12. Mai 2013. In der Anlage findest du die PDF Datei mit dem vollen Programm: Spirituelle Musik aus vielen Traditionen: Viel Mantra Gesang, klassische Indische Musik, Sufi-Tanz und vieles mehr. Du findest alle Infos auch auf

Spagat zwischen Christentum und Hinduismus

Viele Menschen im Westen mit christlichem Hintergrund finden es schwer, ihren christlichen Glauben mit dem Singen von Mantras zu verbinden. Es ist wie eine Art Spagat durch zwei verschiedene Welten: Auf der einen Seite werden sie angezogen von der Wirkung der Mantras. Das Singen von Mantras öffnet das Herz, macht Gott erfahrbar. Andererseits sind manche geprägt von Aussagen wie: „Niemand kommt zum Vater als durch mich“. „Du sollst keine anderen Götter neben mir haben“. Außerhalb des Spirituellen ist das Mischen von Kulturen heute kein Problem mehr: Menschen essen Pizza (italienisch), Reis (indisch), Pfirsisch (chinesisch), Kartoffeln (Südamerika). Du liest das hier vermutlich auf einem Computer, mit Plastikteilen aus Öl aus Arabien, mit Metallen aus Afrika, mit seltenen Erden aus China, Einzelteile produziert aus China, nach Vorgaben amerikanischer Ingenieure indischer Herkunft, zusammengesetzt und/oder verkauft in Europa. Bei fast allem haben Menschen akzeptiert, dass die Welt ein globales Dorf geworden ist. Nur bei Religion haben viele Schwierigkeiten, sich aus verschiedenen Traditionen zu inspirieren.

Warum eigentlich? Christentum ist ja auch eine Entwicklung, ein Zusammenspiel verschiedener Kulturen: Die Juden hatten in der babylonischen Gefangenschaft mesopotamische Gedanken übernommen, in der ägyptischen Gefangenschaft ägyptische Gedanken, in hellenistischer Fremdherrschaft (Seleukiden, Ptolemäer, Antiochiden) griechische Philosophie. Jesus ist aufgewachsen in einem Milieu kultureller und religiöser Vielfalt. Paulus war römischer Staatsbürger. Die Kirchenväter haben römisches Organisationstaltent und griechische Philosophie mit den Lehren von Jesus Christus und dem Judentum verbunden. Und als das Christentum nach Frankreich, England und Europa kam, wurde auch keltisches und germanisches Gedankengut aufgegriffen.

Ist die Verbindung Christentum und Mantras wirklich ein so großer Spagat? Es müsste nicht so sein. Jeder kann sich aus verschiedenen Richtungen inspirieren.

Om Tryambakam


The Om Tryambakam is called „Mahamrityunjaya Mantra“ and in the Yoga Vidya seminar houses and centers it is recited every morning and evening as a healing mantra. You can send the healing energy of the mantra to others, so you simply repeat supportive for their own recovery, you can use it as a protective mantra for travel. It’s also a mantra that you can recite for the dead. And on your birthdays, it is especially beneficial … like today that Sukadev, founder and director of Yoga Vidya celebrates his 50. birthday at the Yoga Vidya Ashram Bad Meinberg, Germany. Here is the text of the „Mahamrityunjaya Mantra“:

Om Tryambakam Yajamahe
Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam
Urvaarukamiva Bandhanaan
Mrityor Mukshiyaa Maamritat

Hey Ma Durga – Devi Devi Devi chanted by Sundaram


Sundaram chants the mantra or better kirtan „Hey Ma Durga“ und „Devi Devi Devi“ which can be found in the Yoga Vidya Kirtanheft as no. 304. Come along to sing this kirtan at home or wherever you are in front of your Mac or PC.
Peace and love,
yours Omkara.
Recording from Yoga Vidya Ashram Bad Meinberg during the Yoga Vidya Musikfestival 2012. – You find more songs from Sundaram at itunes and on his Website

Govinda Jaya Jaya – an elevating mantra chanting


Govinda Jaya Jaya Gopala Jaya – Radha Ramana Hari Govinda Jaya Jaya . This Kirtan is in praise of Krishna, who is Govinda – protector of all beings. He is Hari, who attracts all beings through his love.

Recording from a live Satsang at Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg, Germany. You can find this kirtan in the Yoga Vidya Kirtan Songbook as No. 157. For more please visit our Yoga Vidya International Yoga Community.

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya chanted by Janin Devi and Friends


Janin Devi, Ananta, Kai and Kerstin are chanting the mantra Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya in a more modern tune included with the Mahamantra Hare Krishna Hare Rama accompanied with two guitars and cymbals. Recording during a Satsang at Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg, Germany.

Om Shanti,

Gauri Gauri Gange Rajeshwari chanted by Narendra


A wonderful Kirtan (Chant) in praise of the Divine Mother who is Devi (Radiant), Gauri (Golden), Rajeshwari (Royal Goddess), Bhuvaneshwari (Goddess of the Earth). This Chant is especially in Praise of Mother Ganga, the Cosmic Flow of Grace. Chanted by Narendra and Devotees at Yoga Vidya Ashram Bad Meinberg, Germany. You can find this Kirtan in the Yoga Vidya Kirtanheft as No. 303:

Gauri Gauri Gange Rājeshwarī
Gauri Gauri Gange Bhuvaneshwarī
Gauri Gauri Gange Māheshwarī Gauri Gauri Gange Māteshwarī
… Māhākālī … Māhālakshmī
… Pārvatī … Saraswatī

More Kirtans as mp3 files – subscribe in itunes etc. via

Mantra Recitation with Swami Radhakrishnananda in Sivananda Ashram Rishikesh


Swami Radhakrishnananda from Sivananda Ashram Rishikesh leads the kirtan and mantra recitation in the Mahasamadhi Hall during an evening satsang. This track was recorded at a visit of the Sivananda Ashram in Rishikesh in in februray 2011.
More mantra chantings can be found in this blog or as video files on the Yoga Vidya webpages or in the Yoga Vidya International online Community at Mantra Videos. Om Shanti, Omkara

Govinda Hare chanted by David Ma & Friends


An inspiring mantra chanting with David Ma & Friends. They chanted a kirtan „Govinda Hare“ during a satsang at Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg, Germany. The first part of kirtan is:

Govinda Hare Om Hare Hare

Gopala Hare Om Hare Hare

The text for Kirtan can not be found in the Yoga Vidya Kirtanheft – if you want to know about mantra chanting, meditation, yoga and ayurveda, you’ll find it on the website – just use the Google site search and Google website translator – of Yoga Vidya.

Deva Deva Sivananda chanted by Shambunath


Shambunath from Yoga Vidya Center Bayreuth chants the Kirtan „Deva Deva Sivananda“ during a satsang at Yoga Vidya:

Deva Deva Sivānanda
Dīna Bandhu Pāhimām
Chandravadana Mandahāsa
Premarūpa Rakshamām

Madhura Gītā Gānalola
Jnānarūpa Pāhimām
Samastaloka Pūjitāya
Mohanānga Rakshamām

Divya Gangā Tīravāsa
Dāna Shīla Pāhimām
Pāpaharana Punya Shīla
Paramapurusha Rakshamām

Bhaktaloka Hridayavāsa
Swāminātha Pāhimām
Chitswarūpa Chidānanda
Namah Shivāya Rakshamām

Sadguru Jay Sivananda
Sadguru Jay Pahimam
Sadguru Jay Sivananda
Sadguru Jay Rakshamam

You can find the text for this Kirtan in Yoga Vidya Kirtanheft as No. 353 – if you want to know about mantra chanting, meditation, yoga and ayurveda, you’ll find it on the website of Yoga Vidya.

Jisa Hala Me chanted by Janin Devi and Friends


Full of devotion Janin Devi and Friends are chanting a kirtan written by Swami Sivananda the Mantra Jisa Hala Me:

Jisa Hāla Me
Jisa Desha Me
Jisa Vesha Me Raho
Rādhā Raman Rādhā Raman
Rādhā Raman Kaho
Jisa Karma Me
Jisa Dharma Me
Jisa Marma Me Raho
Rādhā Raman Rādhā Raman
Rādhā Raman Kaho
Jisa Yoga Me
Jisa Roga Me
Jisa Bhoga Me Raho
Rādhā Raman Rādhā Raman
Rādhā Raman Kaho

You can find the text for this Kirtan in Yoga Vidya Kirtanheft as No. 62 – if you want to know about mantra chanting, meditation, yoga and ayurveda, you’ll find it on the website of Yoga Vidya. More about Janin Devi can be found on their artist website at

Krishna Govinda chanted by Bharata


Bharata chants the mantraKrishna Govinda “ during a satsang at the Yoga Vidya Ashram in Bad Meinberg, Germany. Topic of this kirtan is the glory of Lord Krishna as incarnation of Govinda and Krishna is found in the embodiment of the divine love. You can find the lyrics of this kirtan in the Yoga Vidya Kirtanheft as no. 151: „Krishna Govinda Govinda Gopālā Krishna Murāri Manohara Nandalālā „

Come along to sing „Krishna Govinda“ at home or wherever you are,
Om Shanti,

Rama Bolo chanted by Bharata


Bharata chants the mantraRama Bolo“ during a satsang at the Yoga Vidya Ashram in Bad Meinberg, Germany. You can find the lyrics of this kirtan in the Yoga Vidya Kirtanheft as no. 201: „Rāma Bolo Rāma Bolo Bolo Bolo Rām // Sītā Bolo Sītā Bolo Bolo Sītā Rām // Hanumān Bolo Hanumān Bolo Bolo Hanumān // Shiva Bolo Shiva Bolo Bolo Shiva Rām“

Come along to sing „Rama Bolo“ at home or wherever you are,
Om Shanti,

Krishna Govinda chanted by Gauranga and Kai


Gauranga and Kai chant the mantraKrishna Govinda“ during a satsang at the Yoga Vidya Ashram in Bad Meinberg, Germany. The lyrics of this kirtan are:
II: Krishna Govindā Govindā
Krishna Govindā Govindā:II
II:Hey Gopāla Rādhā Krishna
Govindā Govindā:II
II:Hey Gopāla Hey Gopāla:II
II:Hey Gopāaaaaaaaaaala:II
– you can find the lyrics in the Yoga Vidya Kirtanheft as no. 151.
Om Shanti,

Shri Ram Jaya Ram chanted by Gopi and Atmaram


Atmaram and Gopi from the Yoga Vidya Center Mainz are chanting the mantraShri Ram Jaya Ram“ during a satsang at the Yoga Vidya Ashram in Bad Meinberg, Germany. Very slow and touching in the beginning, later dynamic and with strong rhythm. Shri Ram Jaya Ram performed by Atmaram and Gopi, accompanied by harmonium, percussion and cello. The lyrics of this kirtan are:
Shrī Rām Jaya Rām
Jaya Jaya Rām Om
Shrī Rām Jaya Rām Jaya Jaya Rām
Jaya Sītā Rām Jaya Jaya Hanumān
Satgurudev Sivānanda Bhagavān
– you can find the lyrics in the Yoga Vidya Kirtanheft as no. 202. Easy to singalong and very heart-opening. Come along to sing „Shri Ram Jaya Ram“ wherever you are,
Om Shanti,

Sachara Chara Pari Purna chanted by Nilakantha


Nilakantha chants the mantra – – a lovely vedantic hymn that explains our true nature: absolute existence, absolute bliss, absolute knowledge, pure consciousness, the stainless and guiltfree observer of All – – „Sachara Chara Pari Purna“ – I am one with the divine – during a satsang at the Yoga Vidya Ashram in Bad Meinberg, Germany. You can find the lyrics of this kirtan in the Yoga Vidya Kirtanheft as no. 400: „Sachara Chara Pari Purna Shivoham Nityananda Swarupa Shivoham“.

Come along to sing „Sachara Chara Pari Purna“ wherever you are,
Om Shanti,