„Om Gange Cha Yamune“ recite three times by Sukadev Bretz


Sukadev Bretz, founder and director of Yoga Vidya, recite three times the mantra Om Gange Cha Yamune Chaiva // Godāvari Saraswati // Narmade Sindhu Kāveri // Namastubhyam Namo Namah – You can find many mantra chantings and recitations at mantra.podspot.de. All mantras and kirtans with translations can be found at the webpages of the Yoga Vidya Kirtan Songbook.

„Om Na Tatra Suryo“ recite by Sukadev Bretz


Second of three stanzas of the text of the arati, which is celebrated in the Sivananda tradition at the end of a long puja. This Arati is used since the mid-90s in the Sivananda Ashram for the evening Arati of a satsang. This mantra is an invocation to God as a vivid light behind the sun, moon, stars, fire and any lights. The text can be found at Rajadhi Rajaya Arati. Recitation by Sukadev Bretz, founder and director of Yoga Vidya – many mantra recitations are published at mantra.podspot.de – all mantras and kirtans with translations can be found at our online Yoga Vidya Kirtan Songbook.

Om Na Tatra Suryo – Om Gange recite by Sukadev Bretz


Second and third verse of the arati, which is recited in the Sivananda tradition during the great puja. In the ashram of Swami Vishnu-devananda, this text is also recited at the end of the Jaya Jaya Arati text. This is an invocation of the divine light. Full text and translation at Rajadhi Rajaya Arati. Recitation by Sukadev Bretz, founder and director of Yoga Vidya – many mantra recitations are published at mantra.podspot.de – all mantras and kirtans with translations can be found at our online Yoga Vidya Kirtan Songbook.

Krishna Krishna Mahayogin chanted by Satyadevi


Satyadevi chants the mantraKrishna Krishna Mahayogin“ at the Yoga Vidya Ashram in Bad Meinberg, Germany. You can find the lyrics of this kirtan in the Yoga Vidya Kirtanheft as no. 604: Krishna Krishna Mahāyogin
Bhaktānām Abhayamkara
Govinda Paramānanda
Sarvam Me Vasha Māna Ya

Come along to sing „Krishna Krishna Mahayogin“ at home or wherever you are,
Om Shanti,
yours Omkara.

Rajadhi Rajaya Arati – 3 stanzas recite by Sukadev Bretz


All three verses of the text of the arati, which is celebrated at the Sivananda tradition at the end of the puja. The text of Arati is mostly used in the Sivananda Ashram at the end of an evening satsang nowadays. Full text can be found at Rajadhi Rajaya Arati. Recitation by Sukadev Bretz, founder and director of Yoga Vidya – many mantra recitations are published at mantra.podspot.de – all mantras and kirtans with translations can be found at our online Yoga Vidya Kirtan Songbook.

Rajadhi Rajaya – First Stanza – recited by Sukadev Bretz


The first part of the text of the arati, which is recited during the pujas of the Sivananda tradition. You can find the full text in our Yoga Vidya Kirtan Songbook. Recitation by Sukadev Bretz, founder and director of Yoga Vidya – many mantra recitations are published at mantra.podspot.de – all mantras and kirtans with translations can be found in our online Yoga Vidya Kirtanheft as No. 804b.

Nirvanashatakam chanted by Vishwanath


Vishwanath sings the hymn of the „Nirvanashatakam“ during a satsang at the Yoga Vidya Ashram in Bad Meinberg, Germany. You can find an English translation of this kirtan in our Yoga Vidya Online Community – click here – or you can find the lyrics in the Yoga Vidya Kirtanheft as No. 404.

The Nirvanashatakam are six educational verses to freedom or nirvana by Shankara (also Sankara or Shree Shankaracharya). In each verse, Shankara tells us what we are NOT. We are not the body, we are not the intellect, we are not our thoughts and we are not our prana. Instead we are Sadchidananda (also Satchidananda) thus Absolute Bliss, absolute Knowledge and absolute Existence. Only Brahman, the Absolute is real, everything else is a temporary dream or Maya, the illusion.

Om Shanti,
yours Omkara.

Yogena Chittasya Padena Vacha – the Patanjali Mantra – recite by Sukadev Bretz


The „Yogena Chittasya“ is an invocation of the blessing of Patanjali. This mantra is often recited as an introduction of meditation, yoga classes, Ayurvedic treatments and lectures on the Yoga Sutras. Recitation by Sukadev Bretz, founder and director of Yoga Vidya – many mantra recitations are published at mantra.podspot.de – all mantras and kirtans with translations can be found at Yoga Vidya Songbook.

Om Swasthi Prajabhyah – Mangalam Charana – Svasti Vacha Mantra recited by Sukadev


Sukadev recite the Om Swasthi Prajabhyah – Mangalam Charana as blessings at the end of the puja and arati. These Svasti Vache Mantras are also known as Mangala Charana as „goodwill to all beings“. This text is recited at the end of a long puja in the tradition of Swami Sivananda. It is also sung at the Sivananda Ashram in Rishikesh at the end of an evening satsang. You can find the complete text of this recitation in the Yoga Vidya Kirtan Songbook. Recitated by Sukadev Bretz, founder and director of Yoga Vidya Germany. Many mantra recitations are published at < a href="https://mantra.podspot.de" target="_blank">mantra.podspot.de. You’ll find all mantras and kirtans with translations at Yoga Vidya Kirtanheft.

OM Mani Padme Hum chanted by Atmaram and Gopi


Atmaram and Gopi from the Yoga Vidya Center Mainz are chanting the tibetan mantra „OM Mani Padme Hum“ during a concert at the Yoga Vidya Ashram in Horn-Bad Meinberg PuTTY Agent , Germany. The lyrics of this kirtan is really simple: OM Mani Padme Hum – you can find the lyrics in the Yoga Vidya Kirtanheft as no. 549. Come along to sing „OM Mani Padme Hum“ wherever you are,
Om Shanti,
yours Omkara.

Was bedeutet Hari?

Ein bekannter indischer Gruß, der vor allem in Ashrams populär ist, ist Hari Om. Was bedeutet das nun? Warum sagt man das? Im Yoga Wiki von Yoga Vidya gibt es einen schönen ausführlichen Artikel zu Hari. Was ist Hari? Welche verschiedenen Bedeutungen hat das Wort Hari? In welchem Kontext wird dieses Wort gebraucht? All das und mehr erfährst du in diesem umfangreichen Lexikonartikel https://wiki.yoga-vidya.de/Hari

Omkaram Bindhu Samyuktam chanted by Vani Devi


Vani Devi chants the mantraOmkaram Bindhu Samyuktam“ during a satsang at the Yoga Vidya Ashram in Bad Meinberg, Germany. You can find the lyrics of this kirtan in the Yoga Vidya Kirtanheft as no. 407: „Omkaram Bindhu Samyuktam / / Nityam Dhyayanti Yoginah / / Kamadam Mokshadam Chaiva / / Omkaraya Namo Namah“

Come along to sing „Omkaram Bindhu Samyuktam“ at home or wherever you are,
Om Shanti,
yours Omkara.

Shivalaya Morning Recitations: Jaya Ganesha, Guru Stotra, Shanti Mantras, Pratama Stotra


Very powerful Recitation of Mantras and Stotras: Jaya Ganesha, Guru Stotras, Shanti Mantras, Pratama Stotra. These Mantras are recited every morning at 5 am in Shivalaya Retreat Center in Yoga Vidya Ashram Meinberg, Germany, as introduction to morning meditation 5-6.45h am. Recited by Sitaram, a German devotee who received training by Swamis in Rishikesh.

Was heißt Hari?

Hari ist ein Name von Vishnu. Hari heißt der der die Herzen aller zu sich zieht. Hari drückt die Liebe Gottes zu den Menschen aus. Hari ist Bestandteil vieler Mantras: Das Mahamantra Hare Rama…, Hari Om, Hari Om Tat Sat und viele mehr enthalten Hari als Name. Manchmal wird Hari auch verwendet als Name von Krishna.

Jaya Ganesha and Om Namah Shivaya chanted by Juergen and Atmamitra


Juergen and Atmamitra chant the „Jaya Ganesha“ and the mantra „Om Namah Shivaya“ during a satsang the Yoga Vidya Ashram in Germany, Bad Meinberg. You can find the complete text of this kirtan in the Yoga Vidya Kirtanheft as no. 2. Come along to sing the Jaya Ganesha and Om Namah Shivaya at home in front of your PC or Mac, iPhone or Android,
Om Shanti,
yours Omkara.

Recording from Yoga Vidya Ashram Bad Meinberg.

Shri Lalita Sahasranama Stotram – Thousand Names of the Divine Mother


Shri Lalita Sahasranama is an ancient hymn in praise of the Divine Mother. The recitation is highly beneficial, elevating and energizing. Through Lalita Sahasranama you can invoke the Grace of the Divine Mother: The Lalita Sahasranama consists of 1000 Names of Devi, the Divine Mother, also called Durga, Shakti. This recitation has been done by Swami Nivedananandaji Maharaj, a Swami from Kerala. Recorded at Shivalaya Retreat Center in Yoga Vidya Ashram Meinberg, Germany. Follow us on http://my.yoga-vidya.org