Carlotta is chanting the Mantra „Om Tare Tu Tare“ in praises of Tara. Live-recording in Satsang by Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg.
Yoga Teachers Training Course 2010 – Infos on seminars, workstudy and Ashram Experience
Intensive Training in all aspects of Yoga in theory and practice. In Europe’s leading Yoga Ashram „Yoga Vidya Meinberg“ near Hannover. More infos in PDF Broschure and on
Hare Hare Mahadeva Shambo chanted by Juergen Wade
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Today you can chant with Juergen Wade the Mantra „Hare Hare Maha Deva Shambo.“ Here is the text for you:
Hara Hara Maha Deva Shambo Kashi Vishwanatha Gange
Hara Hara Maha Deva Shambo Kashi Vishwanatha Gange
Hara Hara Maha Deva Shambo
Hara Hara Maha Deva Shambo
Hara Hara Maha Deva Shambo Kashi Vishwanatha Gange
Enjoy your time singing along. Om Shanti
Tayatha Om Bekandze – Mantra-Chanting with Lalita
Savitri chants the Guru Stotra
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Savitri chants the Guru Stotras. This is a mantra for the worship of the Yoga Master to request guidance, love and grace in your own spiritual path from your Guru. We share this live recording from a Yoga Vidya satsang in Bad Meinberg also as a video on YouTube – If you like to recite the Guru Stotra too you’ll find it in our Yoga Vidya Kirtanheft as number 690th or just get in touch with Savitri chantings and enjoy while this mantra opening your heart. Om Shanti
Evening rise – Mantra Chanting
Govinda Jaya Jaya with Gopika and Katrin
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Gopika and Katrin chanting the mantra Govinda Jaya Jaya, a blissful wonderful mantra for the worship of Krishna – You listen a live recording from Satsang in Haus Yoga Vidya in Bad Meinberg You can listen more blissful in our Yoga Vidya online communities and – Enjoy your time singing along. Om Shanti.
Gopala Gopala gesungen von Maheshwara
Maheshwara, Zentrumsleiter vom Yoga Vidya Center Frankfurt, singt âGopala Gopalaâ, ein besonders schönes Mantra zur Verehrung von Krishna.
Livemitschnitt aus dem Satsang im Haus Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg
Viel Freude beim Mitsingen.
Namosthute – Mantra-Chanting with Marcel
Marcel is chanting the „Namosthute“ mantra in praises of the divine mother. Live-recording in Satsang in Haus Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg. More Mantras on…
Gopala Gopala chants by Maheshwara
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Maheshwara, director of the Yoga Vidya Center Frankfurt chants with great enthusiasm the mantra „Gopala Gopala“ during the Yoga Vidya Satsang in Bad Meinberg. „Gopala Gopala“ is a mantra for the worship of Krishna. – You listen a live recording from Satsang in Haus Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg. – Enjoy your time singing along. Om Shanti.
Krishna Govinda Govinda Gopala – Mantra-Singen mit Narendra
Narendra singt mit voller Hingabe das Mantra Krishna Govinda Govinda Gopala. Lass auch du dich von dieser Hingabe inspirieren. Den Text findest du im Yoga Vidya Kirtanheft unter der Nummer 151.
Om Shanti
Asato Ma Sat Gamaya – with Janin und Band
Janin and friends are singing the „Asato Ma Sat Gamaya“ Mantra. Live-recording in Satsang by Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg.
Ganesha Sthuti of Shankara
Inspiring Mantra-Chanting with Maheshwara of Yoga Vidya Center Frankfurt . This Mantra was composed by Shankaracharya around 800 AD – it
is in honor of Ganesha, proclaiming the oneness of the individual with the Cosmic Being, with Chid – Ananda, Absolute Consciousness-Bliss. Mantras as mp3…
Jaya Shiva Shankara gesungen von Narendra
Narendra, einer unserer beliebten Yogalehrerausbilder und Seminarleiter im Haus Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg, singt das Jaya Shiva Shankara Mantra. Ein Mantra zur Verehrung von Shiva. Shiva heiÃt wörtlich âder GlücksverheiÃendeâ. Live-Mitschnitt im Satsang des Haus Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg. Du kannst es auch mitlesen im Kirtanheft unter der Nummer 250. Viel Freude beim enthusiastischen Mitchanten.
Om […]
Sukadev chants Gange Cha Yamune Chaiva
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Sukadev chants the mantra „Om Gange Cha Yamune Chaiva“. This mantra is to sue and pant for peace worldwide. You can listen now or to join in with Sukadev chants and sing this mantra now:
Om Gange Cha Yamune Chaiva
Godaveri Saraswati
Narmade Sindhu Kaveri
Namastubhyam Namo Namah
Enjoy your time singing along. Om Shanti.
Devi Devi Devi – Mantra-Singen mit Shivakami
Shivakami singt das “Devi Devi Devi” Mantra zur Verehrung der göttlichen Mutter. Du findest den Text im Yoga Vidya Kirtanheft unter der Nummer 304. Singe am besten gleich mit und öffne dein Herz. Weitere Mantras mit unterschiedlichen Interpreten findest du hier im Blog.
Viel Freude beim Mitsingen.
Om Shanti Buy Zithromax , liebe GrüÃe
He Ma Durge Ma gesungen von Narendra
He Ma Durge Ma gesungen von Narendra
Erfreu dich an diesem Mantra. Live-Mitschnitt im Satsang im Haus Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg.
Om Shanti
AtmanShanti chants Gate Gate Parasam Gate
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Atman Shanti chants from the Heart Sutra of Lord Buddha „Gate Gate Parasam Gate“ – a part of the Heart Sutra–Artikel/Herzsutra.html – if you listen to her chanting you can hear that AtmanShanti does it in overtone singing style. „Gate Gate Parasam Gate“ can be translated with „Gone, agone, past, all passed away, awake, rejoice!“ Or „Furthermore, beyond, further beyond, beyond, beyond the Enlightenment, and further“ You can listen more chantings by AtmanShanti on her CD „Atman Shanti Shanti Grace which you can find in our Yoga Vidya Shop: – Om Shanti.
Atman Shanti https: / / sings the mantra „Gate Gate Gate Parasam from the with lots of overtones.
Krishna Murali mit Gopi
Professionell aufgenommene Video-Performance mit Meistersängerin Gopi Bretz. Lass dich von ihrer wunderbaren Stimme verzaubern. Ihre CD kannst du auch im Yoga Vidya Shop erwerben unter
Viel Freude bei diesem wunderbaren Krishna Kirtan mit Gopi. Weitere Mantras, Vorträge und Inf…
Gayatri Mantra chanted by Bharata
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We sing the Gayatri Mantra at each Yoga Vidya Satsang. Today you can listen a recording with Bharata during a Satsang at Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg. If you do not know the blessful text of this mantra, here it is:
In this way you can translate the Gayatri Mantra into English: „Throughout the experience of life „THAT“ essential nature illuminating existence is the Adorable ONE. May all beings perceive through subtle and meditative intellect the brilliance of enlightened awareness“ – (Gayatri Meditation, Sangha ShantiMayi)
Om Shanti and be blessed, yours Yoga Vidya Web 2.0 Team