Krishna Mahayogin chanted by Narada


Narada chants the Mantra „Krishna Krishna Mahayogin Bhaktanam Abhayamkara
Govinda Paramananda
Sarvam Me Vasha Mana Ya“ at Yoga Vidya Satsang. – listen und enjoy like Narada sings this and how the satsang community sings in response to Narada’s chanting. In a second part Narada switch to another mantra, the „Om Bhagawan,
Shri Bhagawan,
Ananda Bhagawan,
Sivananda Bhagawan“ – and change back to the Krishna Krishna Mahayogin Mantra chanting. Om Shanti PuTTY documentation , yours Omkara.

Jisa Hala Me with Darshini


Darshini chants the Kirtan Jisa Hala Me during a Yoga Vidya Satsang in the yoga center Bad Meinberg. To sing this mantra you can find it in our Yoga Vidya Kirtanheft as No. 62 or you follow this text:

Jisa Hala Me
Jisa Desha Me
Jisa Vesha Me Raho
Rādha Raman Radha Raman
Radha Raman Kaho
Jisa Karma Me
Jisa Dharma Me
Jisa Marma Me Raho
Radha Raman Radha Raman
Radha Raman Kaho
Jisa Yoga Me
Jisa Roga Me
Jisa Bhoga Me Raho
Radha Raman Radha Raman
Radha Raman Kaho

This kirtan is written by Swami Sivananda. We wish you peace and happiness. Om Shanti, yours Omkara.

Homa Mantras part 17 – Mantra to concluse the sacrifices – recite by Sitram


With this single podcast we finish the serie of 17 parts with the Homa Mantras practise recite by Sitaram. You listen the mantra to concluse the sacrifes during a homa puja. The complete homa mantra serie are intended for those who participated at a seminar for homa pujas, or an „indian ritual class“ or joined many homas which were given each morning at Yoga Vidya Ashram Bad Meinberg and would like to give a homa for their own. More about the meaning of Mantras and all published Homa Mantras can be found on our Yoga Vidya Blog – Om Shanti, yours Omkara.

Mahamrityunjaya Mantra – Homa Mantras part 16 with Sitaram


Sitaram recite the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra or called Om Tryambakam which is a very powerful mantra for people who need shelter and healing. You are invited to sing this short audio podcast by listening the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra. This podcast entry is part 16th and second last mantra of 17th part of Homa Mantras. More about the general meaning of Mantras. Om Shanti, yours Omkara.

Gayatri Mantra – Homa Mantras part 15 with Sitaram


Sitaram recite the Gayatri Mantra. This podcast entry is part 15th of a serie of Homa Mantras which will be chanted each morning at Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg. We wish you with this podcast power, strength and fascination. More about the meaning of Mantras on our Yoga Vidya Internetseiten. All published Homa Mantras can be found on our Yoga Vidya Blog – Om Shanti, yours Omkara.

Agni Namaste Mantra – Homa Mantras part 11 with Sitaram


Sitaram recite the „Agni Namaste Mantra„. Agni Namaste welcomes the fire. This mantra is part of a Homa Puja at Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg. The purpose of this podcast is to bring closer to those the homa mantras who joined a homa seminar or who have take part at a homa puja daily in the morning. All published Homa Mantras can be find on our Yoga Vidya Blog – Om Shanti.

Agni Bija Mantra – Homa Mantras part 10 with Sitaram


Sitaram recite the Agni Bija Homa Mantra. This mantra is part of a homa puja at Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg. The pure listening to this mantra makes accessible the strength of the Agni Bija mantra. Please keep in mind that podcast contains 17 parts started from 1st November until 17th November. You can find all published Homa Mantras with this link. Om Shanti, yours Omkara.

Marjana Mantra – Homa Mantras part 5 with Sitaram


Sitaram recite the Marjana Mantra as part 5 of a serie of Homa Mantras. These mantras are recited each morning at Yoga Vidya Ashram Bad Meinberg. Om Shanti, yours Omkara
Today I want to introduce a very special Podcast which is only in German language, though. I apologize to all who do not speak any German. Der Yoga und Ayurveda Kongress-Podcast besteht aus Mitschnitten aus den Kongressen bei Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg. In Bad Meinberg gibt es eine Vielzahl von Kongressen: Yoga Kongress, meist im November. Ayurveda Kongress, alle 2 Jahre im März, Kinderyoga Kongress, alle 2 Jahre im Juni. Business Yoga Kongress, auch alle 2 Jahre. Die Haupt-Vorträge werden meist mitgeschnitten. Diese werden dann als Podcast veröffentlicht. Hier der RSS Feed:

Purify and energize the water element – Homa Mantras part 4


Purify and charging the water element during a homa puja – homa mantras part 4 – Sitaram recite the homa mantra purifying and charging the water element. – This is part 4 of our Homa mantras podcast. More infos about can be found here: Mantra on our Yoga Vidya websites. Om Shanti, yours Omkara.

Today I want to introduce the Yoga Vedanta Audio Podcast. This Podcast consists of talks by Yoga Teachers and Yoga Masters who give talks and workshops on Yoga, Vedanta, Meditation and Spiritual Life. The talks can be shorter or longer. They are in English Language. Try them out! Here is the RSS Feed

Tilaka-Homa Mantras Part 3 with Sitaram


You listen in this short audio podcast how Sitaram recite the Tilaka-Homa Mantra. You can receive the power of the Tilaka Homa Mantra by listening to itself. Blessings and strength for you, that’s what we wish for you. We will publish a serie of 17th parts of the Homa Mantras which can be found here on our Yoga Vidya Website. – Om Shanti, yours Omkara

Today I want to present the Swami Sivananda Podcast. Swami Sivananda lived from 1887-1963. He was one of the greatest Yoga Masters of all times. He founded the Divine Life Society. His disciples founded the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers, Satyananda Yoga Centers, Integral Yoga Institute, Yoga Vidya, Sampoorna Yoga and many more. In the Sivananda Podcast you have Audios with the Original Voice of Swami Sivananda. You will find some Kirtans, some talks, and sometimes both. English, Hindi and Sanskrit. Very inspiring! Here is the RSS Feed

Swasti Vacha Mantra and Shanti Mantra – Homa Mantras Part 2 with Sitaram


Sitaram from Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg, Germany, recite the Swasti Vacha and Shanti Mantra which are part of each Homa Puja at Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg. You listen a very short audio to get a sense of the correct way of pronunciation and to learn these mantras if you ‚ll listen them more than one times. We wish you peace, love and inner happiness with this second part of Homa Mantras. After we published all Homa Mantras you will find them here: Homa Mantras in our Yoga Vidya Blog – Om Shanti. yours Omkara.

Today we want to introduce the Mantra Meditation Podcast. In this podcast you will find Recitation of Mantras suitable for Meditation. These are Moksha Mantras in which aspirants can get Mantra Initiation (Mantra Deeksha) in the Sivananda and Yoga Vidya Tradition. The Mantras are chanted faster and slower. Sometimes there are English explanations, sometimes German explanations also. Mostly it is in Sanskrit, though. Here is the RSS Feed:

Avahana Homa Mantras Part 1 with Sitaram


Starting with this item we would like to present you a series of homa mantras, – mantras which are chanted or recite during a Homa Puja. There will be 17 podcasts altogether. Very sacred, very ancient Homa Mantras. Afterwards we will continue with normal Kirtan. The beginning is the Avahana Homa Mantra – recite by Sitaram. The Homa mantras are chanted each morning at the Yoga Vidya Ashram in Bad Meinberg. To chant, sing or recite this mantra can be helpful to learn how they have to be chanted or recite. We start this serie for all those who participated at a Homa seminar or at an indian ritual class or who participated at one of our morning Homa pujas. The power of these mantras open up to you by listening itself. We wish you energy, mighty power and blessings. More about the meaning of Mantras can be found in German on our Yoga Vidya websites. – Om Shanti.

Today I want to present another interesting Podcast, the Yoga Vidya Tägliche Inspirationen Podcast. This Podcast is in German only, and it is just Audio. So, if you don’t speak German, this Podcast is not for you. For our German viewers: Der Yoga Vidya Tägliche Inspirationen Podcast besteht aus täglichen Hörsendungen: Ein kurzer Vortrag, entweder aus den Morgen-Satsangs, oder ein extra für den Podcast gelesener Kommentar zur Bhagavad Gita, zum Yoga Sutra oder zu andere Schriften. Hier der RSS Feed:

Hanuman Chalisa chanted by Bharata


The famous Hanuman Chalisa sung by Bharata. This is a live recording from a satsang at Yoga Vidya Ashram Bad Meinberg, Germany. You can find the Hanuman Chalisa in our Yoga Vidya Kirtan Songbook as No. 706. Here is the complete text:

Shrīguru Charana Saroja Raja
Nija Mana Mukura Sudhāri
Baranau Raghubara Vimala Jasu
Jo Dāyaku Phala Chāri

Buddhihīna Tanu Jānike
Sumirau Pavana-Kumāra
Bala Budhi Vidyā Dehu Mohi
Harahu Kalesa Bikāra

Jay Hanumāna Jnāna Guna Sāga-ra
Jay Kapīsa Tihu Loka Ujāgara

Rāma Dūta Atulita Bala Dhāmā
Anjani-Putra Pavanasuta Nāmā

Mahābīra Bikrama Bajarangī
Kumati Nivāra Sumati Ke Sangi

Kanchana Barana Birāja Subesā
Kānana Kundala Kunchita Kesā

Hātha Bajra Au Dhvajā Birājai
Kāndhe Mūmja Janeeu Sājai

Shankara Suvana Kesari-Nandana
Teja Pratāpa Mahā Jaga Bandana

Vidyāvāna Gunī Ati Chātura
Rāma Kāja Karibe Ko ātura

Prabhu Charitra Sunibe Ko Rasiya
Rāma Lakhana Sītā Mana Basiyā

Sūkshma Rūpa Dhari Siyahin Dikhāvā
Bikata Rūpa Dhari Lanka Jarāvā

Bhīma Rūpa Dhari Asura Samhāre
Rāmachandra Ke Kāja Samvāre

Lāya Sajīvana Lakhana Jiyāye
Sriraghubīra Harasi Ura Lāye

Raghupati Kīnhin Bahuta Badāi
Tuma Mama Priya Bharatahi
Sama Bhāi

Sasara Bada Tumharo Jasa Gāvaim
Asa Kahi Shrīpati Kantha Lagā-vaim

Sanakādika Brahmādi Munīsā
Nārada Shārada Sahita Ahisā

Yama Kubera Digapāla Jahām Te
Kabi Kobida Kahi Sake Kahām Te

Tuma Upkāra Sugrīvahim Kīnhā
Rāma Milāya Rāja Pada Dīnhā

Tumharo Mantra Bibhīshana Mānā
Lankeshwara Bhaye Saba Jaga Jānā

Juga Sahasra Jojana Para Bhānū
Lilyo Tāhi Madhura Phala Jānū

Prabhu Mudrikā Meli Mukha Māhim
Jaladhi Lānghi Gaye Acharaja Nāhim

Durgama Kāja Jagata Ke Jete
Sugama Anugraha Tumhare Tete

Rāma Duāre Tuma Rakhvāre
Hota Na Ajnā Binu Paisāre

Saba Sukha Lahai Tumhārī
Tuma Rakshaka Kāhū Ko Dara Nā

Āpana Teja Samhāro āpai
Tinon Loka Hānka Te Kāmpai

Bhūta Pisācha Nikata Nahim āvai
Mahābīra Jaba Nāma Sunāvai

Nāsai Roga Hared Saba Pīrā
Japata Nirantara Hanumata Bīrā

Sankata Tein Hanumāna Chhudā-vai
Mana Krama Bachana Dhyāna Jo Lāvai

Saba Para Rāma Tapasvī Rājā
Tina Ke Kāja Sakala Tuma Sājā

Aura Mano Ratha Jo Koi Lāvai
Soi Amita Jīvana Phala Pāvai

Chārom Juga Paratāpa Tumhārā
Hai Parasiddha Jagata Ujiyārā

Sādhu Santa Ke Tuma Rakhavāre
Asura Nikandana Rāma Dulāre

Ashta Siddhi Nau Nidhi Ke Dātā
Asa Bara Dīna Jānakī¬ Mātā

Rāma Rasāyana Tumhare Pāsā
Sadā Raho Raghupati Ke Dāsā

Tumhare Bhajana Rāma Ko Bhāvai
Janama Janama Ke Dukha

Anta Kāla Raghubara Pura Jāi
Jahām Janam Hari-Bhakta Kahāi

Aura Devatā Chitta Na Dharai
Hanumata Sei Sarba Sukha Karai

Sankata Katai Mitai Saba Pirā
Jo Sumirai Hanumata Balabīrā

Jai Jai Jai Hanumāna Gosāi
Kripā Karahu Guru Deva Ki Nāim

Jo Shata Bāra Pātha Kara Koi
Chuutahi Bandi Mahā Sukha Hoi

Jo Yaha Padhai Hanumāna Chalīsā
Hoya Siddhi Sākhi Gaurisā

Tulasīdāsa Sadā Hari Cherā
Kījai Nātha Hridaya Maha Derā

Pavana Tanaya Sankata Harana
Mangala Mūrati Rūpa
Rāma Lakhana Sītā Sahita
Hridaya Basahu Sura Bhūpa

I promised to introduce bit by bit the different Podcasts at Yoga Vidya. Today I want to present Meditation Video Podcast. This Podcast consists of Meditation Instructions – mostly in German. So, if you don’t speak German, you have to be very selective: Some are bilingual, meaning there is a native English Speaker guiding the meditation, and somebody translating. Here is the RSS Feed