Sachara Chara Pari Purna chanted by Nilakantha


Nilakantha chants the mantra – – a lovely vedantic hymn that explains our true nature: absolute existence, absolute bliss, absolute knowledge, pure consciousness, the stainless and guiltfree observer of All – – „Sachara Chara Pari Purna“ – I am one with the divine – during a satsang at the Yoga Vidya Ashram in Bad Meinberg, Germany. You can find the lyrics of this kirtan in the Yoga Vidya Kirtanheft as no. 400: „Sachara Chara Pari Purna Shivoham Nityananda Swarupa Shivoham“.

Come along to sing „Sachara Chara Pari Purna“ wherever you are,
Om Shanti,